
How does thasso make money?

thasso may share with interested partners, free or against fees, information which individuals (i.e., patients, health care providers , etc.) like you share about their experience with a disease, a therapy, a medication, confounding factors or genetic background and which they have judged as suitable to become part of the anonymous knowldge domain. Such partners may include, but are not restricted to, companies that are developing and/selling personalized medications to patients or patients subgroups, companies that develop and market health products to individuals for prevention purposes, regulatory and authorative bodies, national and international organization (e.g., WHO), to name just a few.

Such products may include drugs, medical devices, wearable and monitoring devices, equipment, medical services, and patient subgroup specific regulatory and health provider initiated risk/benefit analysis sets.

Except for the restricted personal information you entered when registering for thasso, you should expect that every piece of information you submit (even if it is not currently displayed) may be shared with our partners and any member of thasso, including fellow patients. We do not rent, sell or share personally identifiable information for any purposes or without explicit consent of the individual member of thasso who has entered such information into thasso. Because we believe in transparency, we tell the memers of thasso exactly what we do and do not do with their data.

By sharing this data and engaging our partners in projects about patient and patient subgroup experiences and needs, we’re helping them better understand the real world medical value of their medications so they can improve them. We are also helping companies accelerate the development and worldwide approvals of new therapies for patients and patient subgroups.

The goal of thasso is to facilitate improved patient or patient subgroup care and optimal quality of life for each individual worldwide.

Does thasso have advertising?

We’re not pursuing an ad-based business model right now. We want to preserve the sanctity of your experience on thasso. Our business is based on aligning your interests as patients or patient soubgroups with that of partners throughout healthcare. We try to focus as much as we can on a clean and simple environment without the distracting “blink” of advertizing in order to provide useful information and to facilitate interaction among fellow patients.

Is sharing data on thasso safe?

When sharing information online about your health or a specific condition, you should know that there is always a risk that someone could use this information against you. For example, medical and life insurance companies have clauses that exclude pre-existing conditions or employers may not want to employ someone with a high-cost or high-risk disease. These risks are real.

However, we believe that openly sharing information is an important way to improve medical care and make it available to each single human individual worldwide. Ultimately, you decide how to balance these risks. When you provide your name and email upon joining the site, thasso treats that automatically as “restricted” (or unshared) data (see our Privacy Policy). However, you control what information you enter and, therefore, share everywhere else on the site. The more personal information you share on thasso (e.g., photos, location, birthday or other personal information which is optional to add in your profile), the more risk there is that someone can identify you.

As for sharing health information, we believe the more health information you share, the closer we get to improving our health system and advancing the knowledge of your conditions. So, all we can ask is that you participate as fully as you feel comfortable doing.